
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Faculty Profile

S.NO Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation
1 Dr.S.Nagarajan B.E.,M.E,(Ph.D)., Associate Director
2 Dr.M.Santhi B.E.,M.E,Ph.D., Principal
3 Mr.G.Mohanram B.E.,M.E,Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Head
4 Dr.P.Pounraj B.E.,M.E,Ph.D., Assistant Professor
5 Mr.V.Chandrasekaran B.E.,M.E., AAssistant Professor
6 Mr.M.Mohammed Ajmal Khan B.E.,M.E.,(Ph.D)., Assistant Professor
7 Ms.G.Shanthini B.E.,M.E., Assistant Professor
8 Mr.Raguraman Jeeva B.E.,M.E., Assistant Professor
9 Mrs.M.Durga B.E.,M.E., Assistant Professor
10 Mrs.B.Juhijjahan B.E.,M.E., Assistant Professor
11 Mr.K.Krishnakanth B.E.,M.E., Assistant Professor